Tag Archives: paintings

Chaos wall to wall:


gifted plates evoke memories

gifted plates evoke memories

Wall to Wall, by Michelle W.                                                                                                            What do you display on the walls of your home — photos, posters, artwork, nothing? How do you choose what to display? What mood are you trying to create?


Harvested lavender awaits attention.

Another of Chris's paintings

Another of Chris’s paintings. Artificial flowers are a no-no from our youth, so that is what we have! A framed grand child’s gift and a collection of buttons.

Family photos and Chris's painting

Family photos and Chris’s painting


Children’s gifts and Christopher’s painting

Andy's drawings, cards gifted over the years.

Andy’s drawings, cards gifted over the years.

Christopher's painting

Christopher’s painting

Yet another!

Yet another!

Even outdoors walls are adorned.

Even outdoors walls are adorned.

Books and clutter fill the outside shed and studio, perhaps that's a post for another day!

Books and clutter fill the outside shed and studio, perhaps that’s a post for another day!




Snapper: in progress


Snapper: un-enhanced Sept 2014


Snapper colour enhanced

Christopher’s other painting in progress is of a snapper. The photos don’t do it justice, so shall add some details, so that you can see the intricacy and colours in his work.


Detail: colour un-enhanced

colour un-enhanced

Detail: colour un-enhanced

Chris in the studio

Chris in the studio

Millie, our spoodle

Millie, our spoodle

celebrations for the new born

IMG_2203 IMG_2193

Making felt animals is one of my evening occupations.  Just thought I should capture a batch before I send them off to two new babies. Both girls, one being born on it’s grandmother’s birthday. Very well done! Bells on the bottom are added. These can be hung near the change table and with a touch, they twirl around.

The little paintings (in the background of the red animals) are painted by Andrew McLean, a friend, painter, and children’s book illustrator. (Sorry Andy, this photo doesn’t do them justice)! He and Janet have their own websites, if you are interested to look them up. Janet McLean is a children’s book author and many of their books have been done together. mcleanpicturebooks.com  and http://www.the little bigbookclub.com.au

I shall look forward to some feedback from those of you who are interested in Children’s Literature and have time to look up their webpages.

The first photo has an early painting of Christopher Pyett’s in the background.