Tag Archives: winter

Winter Blooms:


Cineraria really brighten dark areas and have survived the frosts as they’re under trees.


Camellias are so dependable.


Orange flowers attracts the birds.



Winter Solstice Colour:

Pink Salvia

Pink Salvia


Pink Camelia

Pink Camellia

Can you spot the tiny red orchid?

Can you spot the tiny red orchid?

Perennial Basil

Perennial Basil

Camellia, 'Donation'

Camellia, ‘Donation’





Out of focus fuchsia with the Bragmansia still flowering before the first frost.

Out of focus fuchsia with the Bragmansia, behind, still flowering before the first frost.

Tomorrow is the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere; this day was celebrated in years gone by. Now, day by day, the days will lengthen. We haven’t had our first frost yet, being close to the coast. This will happen and cold days will continue, even with the surprise cold days into October. Spring bulbs are beginning to shoot already.

21 June is a day of friend’s birthdays. So Happy Birthday to Janet, Sandy, Des and Leonie!

Seasonal Change:

Turn, turn, turn. Michelle W.

Seasons change so quickly! Which one do you most look forward to? Which is your least favourite.

Winter is a time of consolidation. A time to think about those over stuffed cupboards and giving excess to the op shop. Mulching leaves for the compost heap and making sure the compost heaps are full and prepared for spring. Pruning, weeding, planting and always being surprised by winter colour. When the garden is seen to, there is writing; a perfect occupation for rainy days. At night sitting in front of the fire knitting, what could be more pleasant? I wonder how long we’ll be allowed to have a fire? I feel privileged to have experienced such heating, as soon it will be a thing of the past.

Every season has its own special attributes. If I had to choose my least favourite, it would be the very hot days of summer, when it is over 40 degrees.

Here are some photos of some of my winter pursuits:

Shade cloth removed and sugar cane mulch applied.

Shade cloth removed and sugar cane mulch applied.

Broad beans

Broad beans

winter flowering camelia

winter flowering camelia

Budding cineraria to brighten a shaded area.

Budding cineraria to brighten a shaded area.

All year colour

All year colour

Lisbon lemon tree

Abundant Lisbon lemon tree



Hanging succulent

Hanging succulent

Knitted cat for Hazel.

Knitted cat for Hazel.

Lipstick Acer ready for planting, to replace fallen tree.

Lipstick Acer ready for planting, to replace fallen tree.




The joy of diversity:

Pineapple the symbol of hospitality from the internet

Pineapple the symbol of hospitality from the internet

Seasonal Scents:                                                                                                                       S’mores, salty ocean breezes, veggie burgers on the grill, sweaty people on the bus—what’s the smell you associate most with summer? Ben Huberman

Arriving in Cairns in January, mid summer, the perfume of flowers wafted in the air. I felt I was in heaven. The balmy temperature attracted a myriad of birds, so many different species to discover.

Luscious fruits included fresh juicy mangoes, pawpaw and lychees. The smell of fresh pineapple was a delight to serve up to hungry children. Their favourite thing was to cut a pineapple in half, cut it into bite size pieces and put jelly crystals over the top! With toothpicks they’d devour this tropical delight. Washing off the residue in the local creek, we’d keep an eye open for snakes or crocodiles.

As it is winter here in Victoria, a southern State of Australia, we’re enjoying the opposite. I do love the four seasons, which are missed out on in the North of Australia. The wind whipping snow from the mountains makes it feel like winter. Smelling the different woods that are burning as we pass small dwellings. This will soon be a thing of the past. There is talk of when it will no longer be permitted.

How grateful am I that I’ve been able to enjoy having wood burning fires. It is one of my favourite things.



Connected: you must be joking!

Climate Control: The idea that the weather and people’s moods are connected is quite old. Do you agree? If yes, how does the weather affect your mood?  Ben Huberman

Hearing noises in the kitchen she stirred, knowing that it was time to rise. She felt her knees, yes, they were cold; no wonder they were so painful. The bed was so warm, why was it that she had cold knees?

Creaking out of bed, she hobbled to the bathroom with a sharp awareness of all of her joints. If only she could have a grease and oil change like the car.

The welcome warmth of the shower helped to stimulate the circulation. Shower time was when she could think about what she’d write about today, though this took away from her short- term memory. Had she used the conditioner? She gave it a second go, just in case.

Dried, she could see how flakey her skin had become. A little rub of oil in the worst spots, she couldn’t afford the time or money to tackle the whole catastrophe. Reaching for the Denko rub, she realized she had the toothpaste in her hand. That would smell nice, but what a mess it would make! If only he’d put things away!!

‘This should get me going’, she said to no one in particular, as she inhaled the Denko rub. She pulled on the elbow bandage around her knees, thinking how once she would have danced. Her eyes no longer saw the stray hairs that she used to tweak out with the tweezers. That looming operation for Glaucoma silently troubled her.

Tripping over the dog she emanates with less than her usual decorum. ‘First day of winter’, her husband cheerily calls.
