Tag Archives: thoughts

Sunday Write Up

Using Mel Cusick-Jones idea for Sunday Write Up                                                                                Using five words: forget, come, need, acorn, weird. Write a story.

Working flat out, Maisie could forget her problems. As soon as she stopped, that double crossing husband of hers re-entered her brain. She would need to come to a serious decision soon; to consider her own normality.

Her problem was like an acorn in her shoe, irritating, making it difficult to forget her dilemma. Soon she would prove his duplicity and she would take proof to the police and see him sent to jail. It would be weird not having the burden of an abusive husband dragging her down. The thought of freedom made her hum.



Chaos descends:

Imagine being able to know what other people were thinking?

There would be fragmented thoughts jumbled up with my own…

The brain is an amazing computer like construct, but having input from all I meet; that would be like a nightmare. I wouldn’t be able to distinguish my own thoughts!

Managing to control my own thought is difficult enough, with occasional memory loss. Remembering peoples’ names needs my full attention. If other people’s random thoughts were congesting my already unreliable memory, it would be a hell. In fact it would make me go mad.

Quiet times are essential to my peace of mind. Listening to what people are saying takes concentration. Body language gives away sufficient suggestion as to whether someone is lying or not. There are enough subtle hints without being able to hear another’s thoughts.

Of course, maybe this ability could be a good idea for the start of a novel? Or no, would it end up being just too confusing?

Full Disclosure:  A mad scientist friend offers you a chip that would allow you to know what the people you’re talking to are thinking. the catch: you can’t turn it off. Do you accept the chip?

Ben Huberman



Thoughts to Ponder:

Vending Wishes:                                                                                                                           Soft drinks, electronics, nutrient-free snacks—you can get all of those from a vending machine. But what type of vending machine is sorely needed but doesn’t exist? Share you automated retail fantasies with us! Ben Huberman

Having never used a vending machine, ouch! Does that make me a dinosaur?

Rather than selling highly sugared, preserved inanities: what about a dose of happiness? In the Bhutan, wealth is measured in happiness.

I do think in the West we have become bogged down in superfluous things.33f6b8deb4f911e3826512e74dccab12_8


true-beauty words3 http://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_prompt/vending-wishes/

Writing thoughts

My last post was hastily put up after we’d had the grand children to stay for their holiday. Soon afterwards, I re-read some of Fran’s report that she’d sent, and I realized that I hadn’t taken any of her advice, so shall re-post the first chapter after a little consideration. It seems an endless task re-editing as it could be seen as a life-long task! I hope not.  I seem to tell rather than show!

Yesterday I received a photo- copy of a letter from my cousin Helen, written by my paternal grandmother dated 3rd October 1945, and she died three weeks later on October 16th. This was four months before I was born, so of course, there’s a reason I couldn’t remember her!  So the first post needs altering too.

Responses to my letters:

The Railways, Myki, polite but totally useless.

From the Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat, thanking me for my letter and saying    that it will be brought to the attention of the Council for the Order of Australia.  A copy of the Constitution of the Order of Australia which also contains the Terminations and Cancellations Ordinance can be found on the Governor General’s website www.gg.gov.au

Nothing from the football club!

My poems about ‘Hats’ amused the children whilst they were staying and I took many photos in the hope that a children’s book may eventuate.  Here is a photo to brighten the page.

Mackenzie and Jack

Mackenzie and Jack

A snippet from Fran Macdonald’s report may be of interest to some of you:

Under: General tips for writing

Show don’t tell

This is the big one, and has many components, as follows:

  • Describe what’s going on rather than stating it. For instance,

‘He stamped out’, rather than ‘He walked out angrily’.

  • Learn to use dialogue. For instance, ‘Get out at once,’ he said, rather than ‘He told them to leave.’
  • Let the facts speak for themselves rather than give your judgment on them. For instance, ‘Mrs. Bunting chopped a slab of steak for Snookles, which he tried to grab off the bench before she’d finished’, rather than ‘The dog was spoilt.’
  • Watch over use of adjectives and, especially, adverbs. Stephen King, the best –selling author, advises writers to take out every adverb in a novel. On the other hand, Dylan Thomas used adjectives and adverbs prodigiously. That said, it is a pretty sure sign that you’re ‘telling rather than ‘showing’ if you tend to use adverbs. Make sure your adjectives and adverbs are really the best words you need.

Re-reading this makes me realize how far there is to go and that just letting the writing flow, isn’t enough.  That’s just the beginning.