Tag Archives: exhibition

Adam Pyett’s exhibition

Adam Pyett paintings

Adam Pyett paintings

Adam Pyett
From another room
Sophie Gannon Gallery
August 29 to September 26

Sophie Gannon Gallery
2 Albert Street, Richmond
9421 0857

Just in case any of you are in Melbourne and able to visit my step son’s exhibition.

The King with no Clothes: Break the Silence

Break the Silence

When was the last time you really wanted (or needed) to say something but kept quiet? Write a post about what you should’ve said. Ben Huberman

Attending an art exhibition opened recently made me consider the fairy tale, ‘The King With No Clothes.’ Looking at the catalogue later I observed; the more verbose the artist’ statements, the weaker the work, and less able it was to speak for itself.

Language is constantly changing. Maybe it is me showing my age, the fact that I find it hard to accept, every one now has an ‘art practice.’ What happened to painters painting, sculptors sculpting etc.? People make art now or are busy in their art practice. I find this very pretentious.

Some phrases that took my fancy in the catalogue:                                                                       ‘I ‘aim to explore the conceptual and phenomenological scope of this relationship.’

‘I think that making art and looking at art are coterminous experiences.’

‘The documentation of my lived experience within an endemic spatio-temporal environment is the cornerstone of my practice.’

Of course there are those artists who express themselves in a sincere and understandable fashion.

I can’t help remembering two of Matisse’ many quotations:                                                        ‘You want to paint?                                                                                                                          First of all you must cut off your tongue because your decision to paint takes away from you the right to express yourself with anything but your brush.’

‘Whoever wishes to devote himself to painting should begin by cutting out his own tongue.’ Matisse.

It sounds as if he meant artists should destroy their pens too. I would have loved to express a few honest words on the night, but held my tongue.

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Paintings: Exhibitions


Adam Pyett Flowering gum, oil on canvas 2013-14 56x46cms


Adam has two paintings in a group show at the Sophie Gannon Gallery, 2 Albert Street, Richmond, Victoria, Australia showing until 24th May.


Arch and Slab No. 12, Birthday at a Perfect Drop.

Christopher Pyett Arch and Slab, no. 12, Birthday at a Perfect Drop Gouache on paper

Christopher has the above work to be exhibited at the Mornington Gallery, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, 2014 National Works on Paper.  Exhibition dates 23 May – 20 July.

Just in case any of you are in the vicinity and would like to see some beautiful paintings.

Monday holiday:

Yesterday was a family day. Fran and James have started up in a new business this year in Central Victoria, and so they’ve been hectic; exhaustion affecting them both. Their boys, 7 and 5 are adorable, as all grand children are supposed to be. Jack organised and helped cook a chocolate cake for the celebration. Fran was able to help Christopher decide which painting to enter into a Works on Paper exhibition at the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery. Her reasoning was logical; choosing one with more definition, as it will have to be reproduced and will show up better in print.


Arch and Slab No.12, ‘Birthday at a Perfect Drop’ painted by Christopher Pyett

I was able to print off an incomplete story for Mackenzie, hoping that he can advise me whether it takes his fancy or not. It is such a privilege to have children to share my stories with and to get their input as to whether it is going to be acceptable to their age group. He’ll let me know when he’s finished reading it.

James is Canadian and a whizz on the computer, so he was able to help Chris get some things onto disc. If only they didn’t live so far away!! Well it’s closer than Canada, so I shouldn’t complain.

After they left we went for our usual walk, though cut it short because of the heat. Unfortunately two dogs appeared opposite the school. The Alsatian started to attack our little spoodle. Chris lifted her as we yelled for help. Two boys appeared and restrained them, but let them out again very soon after. One started to follow us, and I yelled, ‘Go Home!’ stamping my foot. Fortunately he did, but this has made us review our route for next time. Millie is very sore and sorry for herself. Chris has bathed her and hopefully we won’t need the vet. In our area dogs are very popular, and we see many regularly on our walks. Most are well behaved.

The majority of blocks of land in Pearcedale are quarter acre; further out there are 2-5 acre lots, or farms. Some of the quarter acre ones have been divided, but most people love their gardens. At the moment gardens are looking particularly parched. It is amazing to see some crocus poking their heads up and some baby cyclamen under the camellias. There’s always something exciting happening.
