
Today’s prompt has left me cogitating: The children I have borne are my greatest gift to the world. I hope bits of me will live on through them. I admire each of them in different ways, and I know their love will live on through their own children.

A very small legacy will be the trees I have planted throughout my life. In every home I have lived in, in Australia, I have planted a lemon tree. Of course there have been hundreds more trees than that too. Others won’t know who planted them, but I will know I have left this planet a better place.

Christopher, my husband, will leave many beautiful paintings behind and they will continue to bring joy to many, so he will never be forgotten.

I have just completed, (yes, again), a YA fantasy fiction. I shall contemplate whether to be brave enough to have it self-published. In the meantime it will go off to an editor for the final polish. Will this be good enough to be remembered? Big question.

The Synopsis:                                                                                                                                             ‘Angels behind the Scenes’ is a fantasy novella written for you, whether you are young or old. Heaven and Earth merge in this gentle tale, allowing you to ponder on the after life. Remember you are not alone. Love and joy are not old-fashioned values, just the necessities of a full life.

Don’t forget about me. Word Prompt by Krista                                                                                Imagine yourself at the end of your life. What sort of legacy will you leave?                                 Describe the lasting effect you want to have on the world after you have gone.

22 thoughts on “Cogitation:

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Christine, thank you for your kind words. ‘Angels behind the Scenes’ sleeps until I find the energy to take it out of the folder! Am onto short stories at the moment. The writing excites me far more than the follow up that is necessary…..

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Dixie Minor

    Barbara, I am SO excited about your novella! It sounds like a wonderful premise, and I love the way you write. . . I am hoping to get to read it!! 🙂 your legacies are beautiful . . . trees and children and art and so much more. . . spreading hope and love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Dear Dixie,
      I do appreciate your supportive words. In fact have sent the PDF in case you’d like to read it, even though it hasn’t been edited professionally yet. Hopefully you’ll find time to read it and let me know what you think? Thank you for your kind words above!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Dead heading is very therapeutic! Thank you Brenda for your good wishes. Brenda was my mother’s name, so it is always special seeing it written. ❤


  2. Aunt Beulah

    Your book intrigues me. Please keep us posted on its progress. I also like your cogitations: so much so, that I think I’m going to go outside on a beautiful day, walk around deadheading flowers, and do some cogitating myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Gerard, I wonder if you read Deb Hunt’s post today about bees? (Strawberries in the Desert).
      Even growing flowering plants is helping to maintain our bee population, and I know you love your Salvia! Every little bit helps!


  3. Outlier Babe

    If you had done nothing but plant trees, you would have done more than so many do-nothing self-focused people today. (I love trees!)

    Besides your children, of whom you are right to feel proud, and your books–I’m sure the same, though I’ve yet to read yours OR Margaret-Rose’s, which I’ve determined this year I will!–

    There is your blog, Barbara. You spread a lot of happiness through the tiny window of my tablet, and the tinier one of the phone I’m now typing on. You are among those who have helped me deal with my downs, and I know I am not the only one out here whose spirit is lighter after seeing you smiling in your little circle there and knowing your words always issue from a gentle loving heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Thank you O.Babe for your lovely comment. I’m glad that my blog can lift your spirits from time to time! Sometimes I wonder whether I have anything to say, so it is really rewarding to get your positive comments. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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