Lull before the storm:

Looking westward before the rain

Looking westward before the rain


Apricots ready to pick

Apricots ready to pick

Here are some photos of our calm morning after a quick clean up before the forecast rain.  Leaves removed from gutters and lawns mown, we’re ready for this welcome rain.

Vegetable shade house now occupied

Vegetable shade house now occupied



Refreshing rain to revive the pots.

Refreshing rain to revive the pots.


27 thoughts on “Lull before the storm:

  1. Dixie Minor

    How beautiful and green! And all those flowers as well as fruits and vegetables. I know it is a work of love on your part; every gardener I know spends a lot of time! But what a haven you have created!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ChristineR

    Apricots! The parrots (those blue and red ones) have already stripped my apple trees bare, the peaches look miles away from ripening, and so does the nectarine. Pot plants love a good drenching, don’t they! And doesn’t the trees and warm ground smell heavenly after the rain. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Sorry about your apples! We’ve covered the fruit trees this year and it has made a difference. My neighbour swears by hanging tinsel in the fruit trees to dissuade the cockatoos from visiting. Yes, the earth smells wonderful, nothing waters like the rain!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. gerard oosterman

    Great garden, glad to see it taking over. I noticed a brick construction or pizza oven being reclaimed by a robust Victorian creeper… and in cahoots with what looks like a Box Elder Maple. I think your garden is fantastic. What a profusion of everything!


    1. bkpyett Post author

      Yes Gerard, there is a BBQ that can still be used, but the oven, or fire place is no longer in use! We are training the creeper above the eating area to keep it cool in summer.



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