Australian cliffhanger

A weight has lifted off the continent of Australia. Last night there was a cliffhanger with 44 votes to 54. We now have a new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. Even though my political leanings are not with this government, this man is intelligent, and hopefully will once again recognise climate change and be more reasonable with other issues. Julie Bishop remains deputy, and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

This was not the only excitement. We had a bet with friends that Tony Abbott would be ousted before the end of the year. So, a box of chocolates is coming our way, ‘and all was (is) well with the world.’

No Cliffhangers Daily Post by Ben Huberman

Write a post about the topic of your choice in what ever style you want, but make sure to end with ‘…and all was well with the world.’




16 thoughts on “Australian cliffhanger

  1. joannesisco

    I’m much encouraged by this change in events in Australia. As Canada prepares to go to the polls in October, I’m hoping sanity prevails and our would-be dictator is resoundingly tossed out of power. Canada used to be known as a kind and gentle country and our PM has managed to completely tarnish our world reputation.
    Good luck to Australia. I hope this is the beginning of a world turnaround.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. helen meikle's scribblefest

    I’m pretty cynical about both parties (dedicated swinging voter), so all I want is someone with enough intelligence and insight to lead the country where it needs to go. Abbott wasn’t it. Shorten doesn’t fill me with confidence, so I’m hoping against hope that Turnbull can pull it off. And I wish to goodness they’d all forget their bruised egos and get on with what they’re supposed to be there to do!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Like you, Helen, I’m hoping for changes. Labor doesn’t hold much hope for me either.Surely this man must be better than Abbott. Let’s hope he’s a good negotiator.



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