To dream or not to dream, that is the question.

The daily prompt today brought to mind some dreams I had in my twenties. Flying. Have any of you flown in dreams? I’d love to hear from you, if you have. For me it was such a wonderful feeling! It did take some energy and concentration to get into the air, but once there, the feeling of exhilaration and excitement remains with me.

The Jungian psychiatrist I spoke to about these dreams, from my rather inadequate memory, told me they were symbolic of taking charge of my life and that flying has a very positive meaning.

My dream life is such an important part of my life. Fortunately Christopher remembers his dreams too, so we’re able to discuss our dreams at breakfast. Sometimes they are so delicate they become ephemeral, and can be lost in the blink of an eye. Writing down a sentence from a dream can help retain the memory and bring back the full dream. Without dreams, life would become very mundane.

I’d love to add a Chagall painting, but due to copyright, I shall resist the temptation.

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream. By Michelle W.                                                                                 Sleep is one-third of our lives: write a post about it. Do you love naps?                                                  Have trouble falling asleep? Wish you could remember your dreams? Remember something vivid? Snuggle under a blanket, or throw the windows wide open? Meditate on sleep.            (Thanks for the suggestion thunderwhenitrains!)

10 thoughts on “To dream or not to dream, that is the question.

  1. ChristineR

    I’m more likely to have a falling dream than one of flying. I envy all you fliers! That Chagall fellow was very versatile. I looked him up on Wikipedia and they said his greatest contribution to art was his stained glass. I shall think of soaring before sleep tonight. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bkpyett Post author

    Wow, flying so often Gerard, that must be fantastic, apart from being chased. Did you know that if you tell yourself before you go to sleep that you have control of your dreams; and if you face your pursuer they back off?It works! Don’t know whether that works with waves too! You obviously have strong ties with your birth land, and your spirit continues to yearn for what you left behind. I hope you really enjoy your flying rather than being chased. The loo bit, oh dear, that’s another story!! 🙂


  3. Cynthia Jobin

    I also fly in my dreams, all the time. It’s more like hovering, though…I am not too high up above things…people, places, so I can see things on the ground quite clearly. And one of my favorite things is landing….it’s totally gentle and smooth, right down into whatever scene I was flying above. Love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Cynthia, it’s so good to hear your experiences of flying. You are obviously a practiced flyer, and I love the fact that you can land gently. 🙂


  4. Maggie Wilson

    I have flying dreams from time to time. Most involve a measure of anxiety not because I’m airborne, but because of the power lines I need to dodge. In all of these dreams, if I somehow lose altitude and plummet to earth, I am able to tell myself to wake up. It’s a dream.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Maggie, I too had anxiety in some dreams, flapping my arms to keep up the momentum. It is good to to hear that you have the ability to be aware that it’s a dream, waking if it become dangerous. Hope you continue to have some soaring, happy flying dreams!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. gerard oosterman

    Flying is very much in my dreams. In fact, I fly almost every night. It is usually as a result of being pursued or I am trying to get to Amsterdam but have to traverse over difficult terrain. There are steep ravines and the ground underneath is unstable, yet I can see Amsterdam in the distance. Then, miraculously I overcome all and fly away to escape my tormentors or the difficult terrain. Sometimes I am afloat in mid-ocean with a large wave coming towards me.However, again I can fly. No one else can fly but me.
    There is a lot there Barbara and I don’t expect an answer soon. I am puzzled by the ‘Amsterdam’ bit.
    It might well have everything to do with having to go to the loo. Who knows?

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