Dog’s Breakfast

IMG_2259Today is relish making day.


Millie and Chris having breakfast

IMG_2261  I thought I’d just try to tip the scales towards recognising dogs, since cats have been getting a fair bit of attention.IMG_2260IMG_2262

6 thoughts on “Dog’s Breakfast

    1. bkpyett Post author

      Millie is a spoodle, (spaniel and poodle cross). We had cocker spaniels before, and this one is much more intelligent!
      I think she’s very elegant at the table, sitting up straight. She really feels one of us! The only difficulty is when we have people, she doesn’t understand that everyone doesn’t think as we do!


  1. bkpyett Post author

    Dear M-R, thank you for your appreciative comment. Millie is certainly an important member of our family! Yes I do follow foodbod, but thanks for the thought!



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